As mentioned at last Friday's orientation, we are now offering aftercare from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. for our Kindergarten through 6th grade students. We are offering this new service to provide a flexible and convenient way for our families to have quality care for their children after school hours.
You do not need to schedule care in advance. We will simply transfer all students into aftercare if not picked up by 2:10. A light snack is served to all participants remaining after 3:00. Just make sure and pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. and to sign them out with the aftercare staff person on duty.
The rate for aftercare is $4 per hour and is billed in half-hour increments. You will be invoiced at the end of each month.
Within the next few weeks we will also begin to take registrations for after school studio programs. Some studios we are considering offering are:
There will be an additional charge for these classes that will vary based on length of class, supply needs, etc. Keep an eye out for registration forms in the coming weeks.
P.S. We are considering expanding aftercare to our Pre-K (VPK) students but the increased staffing requirements for this age group would require a clear idea of how many participants we could expect. If you are a parent of a Pre-K (VPK) student and think you would make use of aftercare, please email the school office at letting us know how often you would utilize the service and until which hour.