Holiday Fundraiser Meeting
Dear Parents,
I would like to thank all of you who attended our PTO potluck last month. It has now come to that time of year again when we are preparing for the Holiday Fundraiser. Every year we make Chocolate Fudge and Russian Tea Cakes, nicely packaged in a tin, to sell to the community as a means for raising funds for the school. Typically we make approximately $2000-3000 profit over two weekends.
For this to happen, we really need the help and involvement of as many families as possible! If you are new to the school this year, or if you have been with us for a few years, we really encourage you to participate. This is a great way to do something good for the school, your children, and to meet and interact with other parents. So please, volunteer!
The HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER meeting will be this Friday, November 19th from 2:15-3:15pm. *Playground supervision and a home-baked snack will be provided!*
At this meeting we will discuss the different tasks and duties that need be performed and have a sign up sheet available for volunteering.
Thank you, and I hope to see you all soon!
Padmaksi Sutherland
PTO Chairperson