Bhakti Bhavan February Newsletter
Dear Families,
Hare Krishna! We have been so busy over the past few months and have been engaged in a lot of enriching activities and areas of learning.
What We’ve Been Learning About- We spent the month of January focusing on the continent of Europe and its countries. We also learned all about birds and even made pinecone bird feeders. The milestone of having attended 100 days of school was observed in our class by reading stories celebrating this event and making necklaces stringing 100 Cheerios. These were happily eaten almost immediately and your child most likely came home at the end of the day with a necklace of just string!
In Practical Life we have wood polishing and baby washing set up as activities in the class. The many sequenced steps it takes to accomplish these tasks requires a lot of focus and concentration as well as serving the child’s developing eye/hand coordination, what to speak of the practical skills they develop. Now you know who in your household can polish all of that wood and wash all of those babies! We’ve also recently added basic sewing skill activities to the advanced Practical Life shelves and the children have really enjoyed learning how to sew buttons and more.
This month of February we’ve switched over to learning about the vast continent of Asia, reptiles as a classification of the animal kingdom, and we will observe Valentine’s Day with a craft and also discuss the meaning of President’s Day.
Spiritual Studies- In our spiritual studies we had spent December and January hearing stories and pastimes from the Mahabharata, the epic tale from India leading up to Lord Krishna speaking the Bhagavad-Gita to his dear friend and devotee, Arjuna. The children were fascinated to hear the many adventures, trials and tribulations of the Pandavas and the lessons they learned along the way.
We have begun February with a unit on the Dasa Avatara, or the 10 main incarnations of Krishna. What could be more attention grabbing to children than hearing that the Lord himself incarnated in so many different forms- a fish, tortoise, boar, half man/half lion, etc.- to enact different pastimes of saving His devotees and establishing spiritual principles. This month we will also be observing the appearance of Lord Nityananda- the brother and associate of Lord Chaitanya (the 15th century incarnation of Lord Krishna who brought us the practice of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra). We have begun learning and practicing the song, ‘Jai Nitai,’ which we will sing at the New Raman Reti temple on the 23rd of this month. Stay tuned for details on this performance as the time nears.
Yoga, Parachute Play, and Ballet- Our music and movement program has really been enriched with the expertise of Mothers Karuna and Mandie who have a lot of combined interest and experience with all types of movement activities. Fridays are our yoga morning and the children have small group yoga class with Mother Karuna leading them in various themed yoga poses and routines. The children have expressed that they find these classes, ‘peaceful and relaxing.’ As a side note, please send your children wearing pants to school on Friday’s so they can comfortably participate.
Karuna also brings her skill as a children’s ballet teacher and we read The Nutcracker in December and experimented with the ballet movements of the different characters in the story. We also rotate in an occasional ballet class for music and movement Wednesdays. Mother Mandie brings her enthusiasm with using our really big parachute that we use outside. The combination of teamwork, large body movement, and bright colors all equals a lot of fun!
Lastly, we had a parent guest teacher come in this last week to lead us in some new music and dancing. Anapayini, also known as Srinath’s mom, is an accomplished Bharatanatyam dance performer, teacher and owns her own local dance school. The kids had a great time and we hope she’s able to come in again.
Student Reports- I know all of you have received semester student reports for your children. If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to check-in, you are welcome to schedule a conference or phone call to discuss with me. You can set up an appointment through the school office at 386-462-2886.
Reminders- I’d like to give a quick reminder to please return your child’s Friday folder back to school every Monday. Please also send your child to school each and every day with their water bottle and school appropriate shoes. Check the parent handbook if you have any questions regarding this. These little things make a big difference in your child being prepared and equipped to function at school, give their best, and allows us to focus on our job of facilitating their learning and participation.
I look forward to the second half of our school year together. Thank you for all of your ongoing support.
Yours in the service of your children,
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Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y necesita ayuda en español, puede solicitarla llamando al 386-462-2886 (oficina).