Beginning of Year Update

We have had an excellent start to the school year and are about to enter into the festivals of Sri Krishna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada's appearance day. All our students are settling nicely into their classroom communities - learning routines, making friends, and beginning academic work. Spanish instruction started this week and reading groups with Nataka-Candrika will begin next week. It has been especially nice to see many of our students at the temple in the morning and on-time for school. Please keep it up.
Quality of the Month
To help in developing the character of our students, we focus on a particular quality every month. We discuss and perform activities related to it and encourage an emphasis at home. September marks the beginning of our first quality - Respect. You will receive a flyer soon to print and post at home that includes suggested discussion and activities. Please help develop the home-school connection by taking opportunities during the month to talk with your child about the concept of respect.
Drop-Off / Pick-Up
To help relieve congestion in the parking lot, we encourage families with children in Audarya and Madhurya Bhavan to utilize the pick-up circle in the afternoon. The pick-up is staffed from 2:00 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. and is a convenient and safe way to retrieve your child at the end of each school day.
Upcoming Holidays
There will be no school on the following dates:
- Wednesday, September 1st (Sri Krishna Janmastami)
- Thursday, September 2nd (Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day)
- Monday, September 6th (Labor Day)
We are looking forward to a year full of social, academic, and spiritual growth. Thank you for entrusting your child(ren) with us. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday in glorification of the Lord and his pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada!