New School Year Welcome

Dear Families,
It was great to see so many familiar and new faces as we began the school year today. We are all looking forward to a wonderful year with everyone. Below are a few notes and reminders to get things started:
Temple Tuesday
Students in Audarya Bhavan, Madhurya Bhavan, and Krishna Sharanam start school on Tuesday at the New Raman Reti Temple at 7:20 a.m. This will begin on Tuesday, September 11. Please come directly to school by 8:00 a.m. during the month of August.
Uniform Update
We apologize for the delay in uniforms from India. Floods in Vrindavan delayed production significantly. Our tailor has told us that everything was shipped out today. We expect to be able to hand out uniforms next week.
Beginning of Year Ceremony
Our annual beginning of year ceremony is this Sunday at 5 p.m. This is a special ceremony in which we inaugurate the start of school with kirtan and vedic ceremony to attract auspiciousness for the coming school year. Students should come well dressed in school uniforms and groomed neatly for the occasion.
Welcome Haripriya
We are very happy to introduce Haripriya Griesser, our new Teacher’s Assistant in the Madhurya Bhavan upper elementary class. Haripriya is a graduate of Govardhana Academy in Canada and recently obtained her Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education from Saint Leo University. She also possess a Bhakti Sastri and Bhaktivaibhava degree and is very talented in the arts. Haripriya is a great addition to our teaching team.
Parking Lot Safety
To help keep traffic flowing smoothly and to ensure everyone’s safety, please abide by the following guidelines at drop-off and pick-up:
- Stay within the 5 m.p.h. maximum speed limit driving into and through the entire parking area.
- Pull fully to the right to allow pass through traffic in the left lane if utilizing the drop-off and pick-up lane.
- Do not exit your vehicle on the driver’s side of the car. All students should exit from the passenger side only.
- Pay careful attention to pedestrians around your vehicle before maneuvering your car out of the drop-off/pick-up lane.
- Do not park in front of the pick-up / drop-off lane. If you need to attend to something after using the pick-up / drop-off, please pull into a parking space within the lot.
- Do not use cell phones while in the parking area.
Friends of Bhaktivedanta Academy
Our Bhaktivedanta Academy private Facebook group can be found at If you are on Facebook and are not already part of the group, please join.