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Pre-K Families: School Readiness Plus - ALICE Family Scholarship Extension

Scholarship information for current and prospective Pre-K families:

The Early Learning Coalition of Alachua County is offering a new Child Care Tuition Assistance Program called “School Readiness Plus” that could benefit some of our pre-k families. This program is an extension of existing School Readiness funding and targets families who initially did not qualify due to higher income but still need financial assistance.

To be eligible, the applicant must: 

  1. have a gross income between 85% and 100% of the State Median Income (see flyer to view income eligibility table).

  2. be on the ELCAC waitlist for ALICE families (If you are already on this waitlist, you should have received communication from the ELCAC about this program. If you are not on the waitlist, the first step is to apply by calling 352-375-4110 or visiting ELCalachua.org.)

  3. have a purpose for childcare, such as working more than 20 hours per week, attending an educational activity with a minimum of 10 credit hours, or having a combination of work and educational activities.

To apply, call 352-375-4110 or visit ELCalachua.org where you can sign up or log in to your existing account.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office with any questions: office@bhaktischool.org (386)462-2886.

School Readiness Plus Flier 


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