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K - 10 Families: Important Step Up for Students Scholarship Information for 2025-26

To the families of children who will be in grade K - 10 in the 2025-26 school year: 

We are checking in with you to determine the status of the Florida Tax Credit / Florida Empowerment Scholarship (FTC/FES) that your child may be eligible for in 2025-26.

If you have already applied for the FTC/FES scholarship for next school year, please complete this form:

EMA/Step-up Scholarship Status Form

Please complete this form by May 15, so we can process your award. You can obtain your child's scholarship status by logging into https://apply.stepupforstudents.org/

If you have not applied for the FTC/FES scholarship, we encourage you to visit the Step Up for Students website to determine your eligibility. The Step Up for Students YouTube channel also contains helpful informational videos regarding the application and renewal process.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions about the FTC/FES scholarship or how to complete the scholarship status form. We are happy to help.

Yours in service,

Bhaktivedanta Academy

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